Title : Mapping the heterogeneity within urban areas


Title : Ethics in AI and Earth Observation: Multi-cultural and Multi-Disciplinary Perspectives

Abstract:   Dr. Jasper VAN VLIET Abstract:   Prof. Mrinalini Kochupillai

Biography:  Dr. Jasper van Vliet is associate professor in Land use and Urban Development at the Institute for Environmental Studies (IVM) of the VU University Amsterdam, the Netherlands. He obtained a PhD from Wageningen university on the calibration and validation of land-use change models, and has since focused on analyzing both rural and urban land systems at multiple spatial scales. His main expertise is in mapping, analyzing and simulating land systems and land system changes, using remote sensing and geospatial analysis.


Biography:  Mrinalini Kochupillai is Guest Professor and Core Scientist of the International Future AI Lab “ AI4EO“ Affiliated Senior Researcher, Institute for Ethics in Artificial Intelligence at Technical University of Munich (TUM). She has been a senior research fellow with the Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition (2014-2018), and the Chair for Business Ethics at the Technical University of Munich (2018-2019).



Title : Projecting Africa’s Urban Expansion: implications for planning, governance and financing


Title : Mapping Tunisia’s Urban Evolution: From Ancient Carthage to Future Prediction Models Using Remote Sensing

Abstract:   Mr. Philipp Heinrigs   Abstract:   Dr. Asma REJEB

Biography:  Philipp Heinrigs is a Senior Economist and a Head of division, Cities and Urbanisation, at the Sahel and West Africa Club Secretariat within the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). With over 20 years of experience analyzing African economies, Mr. Heinrigs specializes in regional integration, rural and agricultural development, structural transformation, and urbanization. He leads the OECD’s work on cities and urbanisation, overseeing initiatives such as the Africapolis database and research on food systems transformations. Before joining the OECD, he worked in the Economic Policy Department of GIZ and at the Kiel Institute for the World Economy. He holds a degree in economics from the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), University of London, and the Kiel Institute for the World Economy.


Biography:  Dr. Asma REJEB holds a PhD in Geomatics from Western Brittany University in France and is currently an assistant professor in the urban planning department at the University of Carthage, Tunisia’s National School of Architecture and Urban Planning. She actively engages in teaching various modules related to spatial analysis and GIS. Beyond her teaching responsibilities, Dr. Rejeb has played a significant role in contributing to the development of the Master’s degree program in urban planning at the University of Carthage, Tunisia, and serves as a guest editor and reviewer for various international, high-quality, and peer-reviewed journals.